Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Remember the starting weight on June 13, 2013 was:

214.1 lbs
It has not been a full week since we started on Mary's birthday on Thursday, June 13th and weigh in days are on Tuesday.  So if there is not a full pound weight loss there will be no penalty this week!

However, if there is a 2 pound weight loss that will be good for the $200 and a good start.

Mary is still working on getting an exercise program worked out, so this week was a slow start on that front.  More from Mary on that soon!!!!!!!

So . . . .  it is hard to get the same drama they do on TV with this, but the following is the result for this week.

on June 19, 2013
209.7 lbs
for a total 
weight loss
4.4 lbs
and a total 
percentage weight loss


  1. Wow, you're brave - I didn't know you were going to post your weigh-ins! Anxious to hear about your exercise program and if it will include Rose Bowl walking (we try to go every night and it would be fun to see you there).

  2. Great goin', Mary! I hope to be in on some of the second week's exercise. Swimming in the ocean, maybe? Also, would love to try some new WW recipes with you! See you soon! Love, Triss
